Since 1985, we have handpicked factories who take the most care in selecting the finest quality rattan. These factories can take the raw rattan pole and transform it into a beautiful wicker product. There is no detail overlooked in the construction of the frames, the hand weaving of the wicker, or in the time-consuming multi-step finishing processes that show off the beauty of the raw materials. This painstaking attention to detail and quality guarantees the longevity of our product.


In the United States, we continue our unending commitment to quality and design in our cushion and upholstery department. We offer an immense selection of designer fabrics that will go with any décor. As well, we offer a huge variety of designer and custom finish options that will please any taste.


Many of our collections can be used in commercial settings. We also welcome any inquiries for custom commercial work. As always, whether our design is created for home or for an exotic resort paradise, Tribor stands behind the quality of every item we create.